
is a children’s TV show that does a lot to include the adults in the room and ensure that everyone is having a good time. Bluey is an Australian animated series that follows the Heeler family. And while it’s clearly a show designed to entertain and educate kids, the show also does a lot to highlight struggles that parents and adults face, and approach more mature topics in a way that does not alienate or overwhelm kids, while frequently garnering emotional responses from adults.

However, it’s not just a show that can bring parents to tears and have kids exercising their imaginations, it also has some of the best humor in any kids’ show. From Bluey and her younger sister Bingo testing the limits of their parents’ resolve, to the times when Bandit and Chili are too tired to engage, there are a lot of great comedy moments throughout.



Bluey Season 2, Episode 22

Bluey Bus, Chilli and Bingo

Throughout Bluey, Bingo and her big sister frequently show off their incredible imaginations. They pretend to be different animals and characters, and it’s always a good time. However, one of the best comedy duos on the show comes from the girls pretending to be two elderly grandmothers named Janet and Rita. These characters have appeared a handful of times over the years.


10 Episodes Of Bluey That Are Way Deeper Than They Have Any Right To Be

The globally popular kids show Bluey is known for its ability to connect emotionally with viewers of all ages, and some episodes are remarkably deep.

As Janet and Rita, the girls are absolutely hilarious, and “Bus” is one of the first episodes to really tap into the comedic potential of their imaginations. The episode is also delightful thanks to the parents, Bandit and Chili, playing along with their kids wild ideas, and building up an improvisational masterclass of “yes, and-ing” every prompt.


Granny Mobile

Bluey Season 3, Episode 33

Bluey Granny Mobile

The following season, Janet and Rita return alongside their friend, Muffin, who takes on a granny persona of her own as Gladys. This time, the kids are having a great time pretending to be grannies, until they come face to face with a real-life grouchy granny.

The girls get into an intense battle, but the humor of the situation wins out as the bickering takes on a less serious note. With the central premise revolving around a garage sale, the show digs into a typical social interaction and adds color and flare in a way that only Bluey can. The result is a hilarious episode that highlights the incredible potential of the show, taking a subject like conflict that could be difficult to adapt for a kid’s show, but does so in an engaging and meaningful way, with positive outcomes.


The Sleepover

Bluey Season 1, Episode 39

Bluey The Sleepover

With a pattern beginning to emerge, the next episode worth highlighting for its comedy prowess comes in the show’s debut season. “The Sleepover” is an episode that sees Bluey and Bingo playing with their cousin, Muffin, once again. However, this time, Muffin was invited to come over and stay at their house for a sleepover. The only problem is, Muffin missed her nap earlier in the day.


10 Great Episodes Of Bluey For When You Need Cheering Up

Bluey may be primarily aimed at kids, but the show does a lot to include messages for adults, often encouraging and uplifting them throughout.

Any parent with young kids knows how vital naptime is, and when it’s missed, it can throw off any number of plans, and negatively impact everyone involved. This is exactly why this episode is so relatable and hilarious, watching the girls taking on a role of the older, more mature people in the situation, while their younger cousin acts in completely erratic and irrational ways due to a lack of sleep, and a bundle of displaced energy.


Keepy Uppy

Bluey Season 1, Episode 3

Bluey Keepy Uppy

Going back even further in the timeline of the show, episode 3 was one of the first standout episodes that really highlighted not just the educational value of the show, but also the comedic value. This episode features one of the most universally played, and enjoyed, games among families after a party, keepy-uppy. Specifically, with a balloon.

For most people, a game of keepy-uppy will last a short span of time. Kids may take things a little further, and continue to play for longer periods, and parents will often get involved, but that is nothing compared to how Bandit approaches the game. Bandit gets hyper-focused on the game, wanting to take things to another level, and keep the game going. This is one of Bandit’s best episodes, and a fun and engaging moment that takes the show, like the game, to a whole new level.



Bluey Season 1, Episode 8

Bluey Fruitbat

Bluey season 1 continues to deliver outstanding stories, balancing moral and life lessons with humor and levity. In “Fruitbat,” Bluey finds herself restless one evening. Bluey has decided she wants to know what it’s like to live like a fruitbat. To the best of her ability, Bluey tries to imagine this, but struggles, and continues to stay awake with this wonderful idea blaring loud in her mind.


All 20 Bluey Shorts Ranked (& Where To Watch The Minisodes Online)

Bluey now offers bite-sized minisodes for fans to enjoy, and though the Bluey shorts range in quality, they’re all accessible online.

However, when she sees her father asleep downstairs restlessly kicking and moving, Bluey asks her mother what is happening. As it turns out, Bandit has vibrant dreams where he gets to enjoy playing football with friends, despite not having a lot of free time in his real life. Bluey decides to dream about being a fruitbat, and she jumps into an incredible dream where she gets to fulfill her wish, and even spends some time watching over her dad playing games with friends. Heartwarming and hilarious.


The Show

Bluey Season 2, Episode 19

Bluey and Bingo pretend to be their parents.

Bluey also has a way of exploring deeply emotional moments for children, and layering them with humor and fun. This is the case in “The Show,” when Bingo has some incidents occur while trying to make breakfast for her mother on Mother’s Day. Bingo is terribly upset by her failed attempts, and begins to become quiet and retreat. However, her older sister and mother have the perfect words and actions to help pick her spirits back up.

Bingo and Bluey put on a show for their parents, playing the roles of Chili and Bandit respectively, and exploring the story of how they first met. The show is hilarious, with beautiful moments that add to the show’s lore, and continue to deliver fun throughout. And despite some mistakes, the show was a big hit, with plenty of laughs and smiles.


Whale Watching

Bluey Season 3, Episode 22

Bluey and Bingo are sitting on Bandit's back.

A personal favorite episode of mine is “Whale Watching.” When Bandit and Chili wake up a little rough around the edges after what clearly appears to be a great night out, the pair are suffering from hangovers. Of course, with young kids, there is no rest, and the parents have to get creative in how they keep the kids entertained while nursing their headaches.


10 Bluey Guest Stars You Totally Forgot Were On The Show

Bluey may be one of most popular childrens’ shows right now, but it is easy to forget about the major stars who are the voices behind the animation.

In a genius creative twist, Bandit and Chili play games with the kids which allow them to stay lying down, while Bluey and Bingo jump on their backs, watch them roll, and generally get some sort of rest while still being present with the kids. Everyone has a rough day here and there, but being able to still connect with the kids, and even make it into something engaging is genius.


Dance Mode

Bluey Season 2, Episode 1

Bluey Bandit and Chili Dance Mode

Season 2 of Bluey starts off incredibly strong with one of the most memorable episodes of Bluey of all time. “Dance Mode” follows the family on a day out while they get some errands taken care of. Despite trying to keep the kids entertained, a minor incident causes Bingo some distress. As a way of making things up to her, Bandit promises Bingo the chance to use a thing called “Dance Mode” to invoke her dad to dance like no one is watching, whenever and wherever he is.

This leads to some pretty hilarious moments when both Chili and Bluey ask Bingo to use some of her chances. However, the best moment comes at the very end, after Bingo stands up for herself, and she finds the perfect moment to get her dad to dance. But everyone enjoys it so much, they all join in, attracting a crowd to watch the quirky family enjoying a spontaneous dance break.


Christmas Swim

Bluey Season 2, Episode 51

Bluey-Christmas Swim

While Christmas is usually associated with cold weather, snow, and cozy days at home, Australia gets a very different experience. Christmas falls in the middle of the Australian Summer, which means it’s traditional for families to spend time at the beach over the festive period, and enjoy swimming and playing outdoors together. And “Christmas Swim” follows the extended Heeler family on their festive celebration together.


10 Best Movie References In Bluey

The globally popular Australian animated children’s show Bluey appeals to audiences of all ages, as evidenced by the many classic movie references.

The episode contains some important lessons for kids, but it is also full of joy, frolicking, and fun. While Bluey has some negative experiences at first, the day turns out to be a beautiful one full of family bonds growing stronger. It’s also great to see Bandit cut loose with his family.



Bluey Season 2, Episode 6

stumpfest drinks from Bluey

Speaking of Bandit cutting loose, one of the early episodes in season 2 delivers this in great detail during “Stumpfest.” Bandit is easily one of the funniest and most engaging characters on Bluey, or perhaps, as a father myself, I simply find myself drawn to the character. Either way, seeing Bandit let his imagination run wild, and meeting up with his friends provides some of the warmest and most enjoyable moments in Bluey.

And in this episode, Bandit gathers a group of his friends to tackle a couple of stumps left in his garden after cutting down trees. Together, the guys lean into physical activity, and they have a genuinely wonderful time just spending time together. But when Bluey and Bingo lay claim to one stump, the men have to find a way to bargain their rights to work on the stump. The grown men then find themselves in makeup and dress-up outfits as they have an imaginary tea party, before Bluey grants them access to the stump, and they get to continue with Stumpfest in one of the funniest episodes of Bluey to date.

Bluey TV Show Poster



Release Date

September 30, 2018


Richard Jeffery, Joe Brumm

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