5. Metroid Dread
While Metroid Dread received an update with an easier difficulty mode after release, it initially shipped with only a normal and hard difficulty selectable, and even normal difficulty was pretty damn hard. Much of the challenge comes from the changes to the classic Metroid formula. In tense stealth sections, Samus faces the new EMMI robot enemies, initially with no way of defeating them, and only a brief window to escape when they catch her. Those parts of the game, which sometimes involve complex control combinations, can be tough, even when you acquire a weapon to take down these deadly enemies.
Then there are the tricky boss fights, which forced many gamers to give up before the final cutscene. In particular, the final boss, a demanding three-stage fight that requires almost perfect timing to overcome, may be the most difficult in the entire franchise.
4. Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy is another title that was originally released elsewhere long before its Switch debut, but that still hasn’t been watered down for casual tastes. Super Meat Boy has some of the tightest platforming controls around, but that doesn’t do anything to ease the difficulty.
In each of its more than 300 levels, there are just so many obstacles that need to be so precisely evaded, it takes real skills to see the game through to the end. While the game gets really freaking hard in the later levels, it’s just addicting enough that you’ll likely do everything you can to see the finale.
3. Celeste
Celeste is another ultra-difficult platform in the same vein as Super Meat Boy. The game requires absolute mastery of its jumping, dashing, and climbing mechanics if you plan to see it to the end, but don’t expect that to be a quick journey. It’s not uncommon to see posts on forums about players dying hundreds of times on a single level.
Celeste does feature a highly customizable “assist mode” that can provide you with lowered game speed, unlimited dashes, or even invincibility, but without that it’s a real chore to get through the challenging B-side and C-side levels, or gather all the game’s collectibles.