It can be a constant battle to Keep Dust Out Of Our Homes. Do you always feel like you’re wiping off shelves, cleaning the television, and trying to eliminate dust but you are fighting the same fight over and over again? It is something that a lot of homeowners have to deal with, and there are ways to reduce dust in the house and give yourself less work to do.
We want to share a few tips that could help you by focusing on some of the things that people do wrong when it comes to reducing dust in the home.

Leaving Doors and Windows Open Too Much
It’s great to get fresh air into the house, but at what price? You may have trouble keeping your home clean and dust free if you constantly open the windows and doors. That’s because there are a lot of particles from outside that can come into the house, like soot, pollen, mold spores, and dirt. These make your home messy and create dust, adding to your problem.
We would recommend limiting how often you open your doors and windows. This is especially true during windy times of year when a lot of small particles can blow inside. Open windows enough to get fresh air for a little while, but try to keep them closed throughout most of the day. This will cut down on how much dust you see and how much you have to deal with each week.
Doing Minimal Cleaning
One of the reasons there’s a lot of dust in people’s homes is because they don’t clean all the dust up when they do their tidying. When you do your daily and weekly cleanings, how thorough are you? If you’re not getting rid of all the dust that’s hiding in the corners, under the furniture, behind the appliances, and everywhere else, then this is dust that can spread around the house.
You don’t have to fight with dust so much if you clean your home thoroughly and make sure you do a detailed cleaning every time you’re wiping down areas that have dust on them. One thing you can do that will really help in this area is to use a Houston cleaning specialist to tidy things up for you. You can ask the professional cleaners to do a detailed cleaning, or a deep cleaning, and this could help get rid of a lot of the dust and ensure that there is less dust for you to deal with in the days following.
Simply doing a more complete cleaning in your home will have a big impact on the amount of dust you’re dealing with. Make sure you dust in all those out of the way places, cleaning the ceiling fans, getting on top of appliances, and cleaning those places that are difficult to reach.
Dusting Improperly
There are definitely right and wrong ways to dust in your home. The wrong way would be to use the traditional feather duster or something similar that pushes dust from its stationary position up into the air. This is a bad idea because It creates dust particles in your environment that are moving around and finding new locations to hang out. You’re not actually getting rid of any dust this way.
It is much more effective to eliminate dust by wiping down dusty surfaces with a slightly damp cloth. This collects dust very effectively, and you can simply rinse out your cloth after you’ve been using it for a few minutes. It is far more effective than dusting with a dry cloth or other implement that will simply move the dust around. You don’t want to relocate the dust, but instead you should be trying to completely remove it from your home. Are you dusting properly?
Pets Have Free Reign
Do you have pets in your home, you’re going to struggle with keeping the place clean from pet hair and dust. Pets create dust in any environment, just as humans do. The more living beings you have in your home, the more dust is going to be generated. That’s because the majority of dust comes from dead skin cells.
So, if you want to minimize the dust you have to fight against, then limit which areas your pets are allowed to go. If you keep them out of the bedrooms and bathrooms by keeping those doors closed, you won’t have to dust as much in those areas.
Leaving Shoes Everywhere
A lot of dust that finds a place to live on shelves and other surfaces in your home comes from outdoors. It’s tracked in on clothes and particularly on shoes. You can cut down on a lot of the dust in your home by being careful about how shoes are handled.
Our recommendation is that all shoes be dusted off or banged clean on a map outside the door before entering your house. Then, shoes can be placed onto a specified rack once people enter your home. This minimizes how much dust can spread through your house and how much dust is tracked in from people’s shoes. If people are not wearing their shoes in the house and are placing the shoes off to the side rather than in the entryway, this eliminates a lot of the dust that would normally collect.

Closing Thoughts
We want to finish off by saying that this Is not a comprehensive list by any means. There are many more ways that you can eliminate and reduce dust in your home, but we hope this list gets you started and is a big help to you. The dust that you find under the bed, on your bookshelves, and everywhere else does not have to be as big of a problem in the future as it is right now, if you follow the advice we have given you and make good use of these tips.