Warning: Spoilers for Detective Comics #1093Over the years, Batman has enjoyed many romances with different women across the DC Universe, from Catwoman to Vicki Vale. Now, he’s entered what may be his most complicated relationship yet, as the daughter of his parents’ killer makes her way into his life. Bruce Wayne’s latest love story is the ultimate twist for the Dark Knight, and it’s only a matter of time before Batman learns about his new girlfriend’s connection to Joe Chill.
In Tom Taylor and Mikel Janín’s ongoing Detective Comics run, Bruce Wayne has begun a relationship with a woman from his past named Scarlett Martha Scott. She and her mother were helped by the Wayne family years ago, and she’s since formed a bond with Bruce. At the end of their outing at a restaurant, they share a kiss before taking things further at her apartment.
As sweet as this moment may appear at a glance, unbeknownst to Bruce, the woman he’s chosen to sleep with is the daughter of none other than Joe Chill – the man who killed his parents.
Yes, Batman Is Officially In a Relationship With Joe Chill’s Daughter
Bruce Wayne Shows Interest in The Daughter of His Parents’ Killer
Anyone with a basic understanding of Batman lore should be familiar with Joe Chill, the man who is responsible for the deaths of Martha and Thomas Wayne in most versions of DC continuity. In Detective Comics #1090, it’s revealed that his history with the Wayne family began long before that fated confrontation in Crime Alley. During one of Thomas’ shifts in the hospital, Chill and his girlfriend Evelyn were brought in for surgery after getting caught in a car accident. Thomas learned that Chill beat Evelyn, and he’s faced with a decision: save Joe Chill’s life, or let him die for his girlfriend’s sake.
Scarlett has dark secrets beneath her unassuming surface that suggest her father’s identity isn’t the only issue plaguing her relationship with Bruce.
Ultimately, Thomas performed the surgery on Joe Chill, while Martha arranged for Evelyn and her newborn daughter Scarlett to be transferred away from her abusive boyfriend. The Waynes separating Chill from his daughter potentially inspired him to kill them later on, tying Scarlett into the tragedy. With the passage of time, she’s grown up to work for WayneTech as a geneticist, and Bruce is unaware of her relationship to the man who took his parents from him as their romance now blossoms. Moreover, Scarlett has dark secrets beneath her unassuming surface that suggest her father’s identity isn’t the only issue plaguing her relationship with Bruce.
Batman’s New Love Interest May Not Be Too Different From Her Father
The Child of Martha and Thomas Wayne’s Murderer Has Her Own Secrets
When Scarlett and Bruce cross paths again, she clues him in on a secret project she’s been working on: Sangraal, a de-aging serum. This mysterious concoction alters the user’s biology to revert their body to a more youthful state, essentially rendering them immortal. When Bruce learns of this serum, he’s reluctant to partake in it at first, but his fear of getting older spurs him into accepting it. Sangraal is more sinister than Scarlett lets on, though; the drug imbues Bruce with the blood of teenage boys, and serial killer Asema happens to be targeting that same demographic, hinting at a connection.

Was Bruce Wayne Becoming Batman a Bad Choice? DC Comics Isn’t So Sure.
Bruce Wayne’s decision to fight crime as Batman seems noble on the surface, but his father just revealed why it might not have been the best call.
Of course, Batman doesn’t let his affection for Scarlett dissuade him from digging into Sangraal’s true purpose. He initially goes on a date with Scarlett as a means of gathering information about the serum, using his Bruce Wayne persona to his benefit by stealing information from her bedroom when her back is turned. However, even though he’s actively investigating Scarlett, Batman’s suspicions don’t prevent him from developing a genuine bond with her. Batman has never possessed a stellar record when it comes to his taste in women, after all, so his relationship with Scarlett shouldn’t be too surprising.
Scarlett Isn’t Bruce Wayne’s Only Questionable Love Interest
Batman Has Had Relations With His Fair Share of Villains
Dating the daughter of his parents’ killer is certainly new territory for Batman, yet he’s no stranger to unusual relationships. In the decades since his creation, he’s had flings with many characters who aren’t the best influences on him. Catwoman’s relationship with Batman is his most iconic, as they’ve ignited their romance countless times in an attempt to make things work between them. Despite their best efforts, Batman’s dedication to his cause and Catwoman’s thieving tendencies don’t line up, so they aren’t exactly a wise match for each other. Selina Kyle isn’t the only criminal that Batman has fallen for, interestingly enough.
Batman and Catwoman nearly tied the knot at one point, before their wedding was called off when Selina left him at the altar in 2018’s Batman #50 by Tom King, Mikel Janín, and more.
Talia al Ghul is another one of Batman’s more complex love interests, seeing as she’s the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul and a deadly assassin in her own right. She and Bruce maintain ties to one another through their son, Damian Wayne, though their romance has faded with time as a result of their differing paths in life. Batman’s romantic history, in summation, is nothing short of a mess. Therefore, the issue with Bruce’s current fling isn’t that Scarlett could turn out to be a villain, but rather the impact it has on the defining tragedy that led to his heroic path.
Batman Will Soon Learn the Truth About Scarlett’s Criminal Parentage
Can Bruce Wayne’s New Relationship Survive Joe Chill’s Involvement?
The death of Bruce Wayne’s parents is arguably the most integral part of his lore, as it’s the inciting incident that propels him down the path to vigilantism. If his parents hadn’t been murdered by Joe Chill, then he may not have initiated his training to become Gotham’s protector. The world owes a debt to Joe Chill in that regard, but to Bruce, Chill is – and will always be – nothing more than the criminal who slaughtered his mother and father. Thus, once Batman uncovers Scarlett’s parentage, there’s little chance that he will be able to separate his disdain towards Chill from his feelings for her.

How One Flaw in Batman’s Armor Managed to Expose His Secret Identity
Batman’s costume has protected him from many threats over the years, but it has one glaring issue that just cost him his secret identity.
Scarlett’s intentions with Bruce remain unclear at present, but there is a chance that she’s intentionally sleeping with him as part of a twisted plot. She alludes to his parents’ fate during their date, when fighting muggers together in an alley leads directly to their first kiss. Scarlett might be playing with his emotions as revenge for his parents keeping her and her father apart, mirroring the revenge he likely took via killing Bruce’s parents and proving that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Regardless, Batman would be wise to cut ties with Scarlett, because their romance can only end in flames.
Detective Comics #1093 is available now from DC Comics.