Editor’s Note: The following contains spoilers for Survivor Season 48, Episode 4.

Numbers are important on Survivor. So is knowledge. Sometimes, you can lay out the best plan, but when Jeff Probst throws that curveball, it’s time to reset. For one castaway, they seemed to have their entire trajectory perfectly planned. But then, someone else’s knowledge caught up to him. Everything you remembered about the first three episodes of Survivor 48, toss it all aside. Or drop it like you’re wearing a buff. The beloved Tribe Swap is back, and after that stipulation, Cedrek McFadden forced two of his tribemates to make it; it doesn’t matter. Fate was never going to put the three remaining Vula Tribe members together. So, the game gets shaken up. It’s time to see who can really adapt to this fast-paced game.

Oh, and we have our second Survivor 50: In the Hands of the Fans vote! How apropos that one of the options is to determine if the season will feature a Tribe Swap! Perhaps this episode helped to determine which way you’re swaying. I know it did for me! So, let’s get into it. Drop your buffs because Survivor is keeping us on our toes.

Drop Your Buffs!

‘Survivor 48’ Episode 4 Recap: Better Swap Around
Image via CBS

Cedrek McFadden is dealing with the aftermath of the historic Tribal Council. It’s raining, so some may call that karma. Cedrek is still positive that there is a way to the end of this game. But he does realize that he told the two women that they had to work together, right? Could they just bond together and simply say bye to Cedrek? One of these days, we’ll learn just what Cedrek was thinking because we’re all a tad perplexed. In a bit of comedy through the tragedy, Sai Hughley wants to find that idol, so she is going to leave Mary Zheng a note via sticks. Yes, she is going to take the time to scrounge up all the twigs she can find to spell out “Mary On Idol Hunt.” Why is she telling her? Because she knows that Mary is her lifeline, not Cedrek.

They finally have their talk, and they are bonded, officially. Look what you did, Cedrek! This all-important idol hunt finds all three remaining Vula players out searching, but always watch that camera, Mary! When it pans into that tree behind you, it means that all-important idol is right there! Too bad they didn’t find it before heading out for a date with Jeff Probst.

Following our first commercial break, we’re immediately thrust into “Jeff Probst Time,” which can only mean one thing. Drop your buffs! But first, Jeff will taunt the castaways about where they’re at. As Cedrek reminds the other tribes, each vote gets harder and harder, as a precursor to the reality that they’re about to feel that hurt soon. The headline at the hour: be ready for that curveball. The remaining Vula are thrilled. Everyone else, not so much. To be fair, I also hate change. I feel for you, Eva Erickson, who is terrified of losing her ride-or-die, Joe Hunter. The interesting moment to watch here is the camera panning towards Eva, who is experiencing one of the episodes she previously told Joe about. She is squeezing her wrists, which is a clue to when she is having an episode. It’s a subtle but fascinating human moment no one else on that beach is picking up on. Will she be able to talk to her new tribemates about it?

A lot of switching has happened. When all is said and done, here is how our new tribes shake out. The new Civa is comprised of Chrissy Sarnowsky and Mitch Guerra from Civa, Sai and Cedrek from Vula, and Bianca Roses from Lagi. The new Valu is comprised of Shauhin Davari, Joe, and Thomas Krottinger from Vula with Kyle Fraser and Kamilla Karthigesu from Civa. The new Lagi is comprised of Star Toomey and Eva from Lagi, Charity Nelms and David Kinne from Civa, and Mary from Vula. On paper, that new Vula Tribe looks stacked with the California Girls alliance intact, but this is Survivor. Nothing is ever that simple. As a reminder, Bianca lost her vote from a previous journey. And she’s telling Jeff that the two factions of her new tribe may be fighting for her vote. She’s got a great game face and acting skills to make them all believe that’s a reality! Oh, and sike! No challenge. We’ll get to that later. We have to make some new relationships first.

Welcome To Your New ‘Survivor’ Home

Thomas with a black eye on 'Survivor 48.'
Image via CBS

Our new Lagi friends take a look at their camp, which is decked out with all the rewards the original Lagi Tribe earned. It literally is like going from rags to riches. Mary feels like she has a new life. She may be the only one from her tribe, but she is a perfect number if the original duos want to stick together. Looking at the breakdown of who’s with who, it may not happen like that. Eva and Star are still together, having just days before targeted one another. Also, Eva, who boasted about working with men, is on a tribe with four women and one man. It’s a complete flip for her. She’s struggling to adjust. Except when she correctly pegs David as a stunt guy. She finds her new Joe. Eva offers Star on a silver platter, telling everyone that she has the Beware Advantage. The luck for Star is that she is still on the same beach, so she can continue to decode her clue.

Eva continues to build a relationship with David. It’s that sweet swell in the music that we know is a positive interaction. David, as the literal odd man out, is more than happy to be on a tribe with all women. We go back to learn about his girlfriend, who broke up with him due to money issues. He tells the women that’s why he’s here, and he really wants to win her back. David, you will have so many women knocking down your door! Move on! The women are endeared toward him. They find it precious that he doesn’t drink water, only chocolate milk. Everyone seems taken by David, that is, if they’re meeting him for the first time. Charity is not sold. She sees him as loyal and easily bossed around. Unfortunately, David is on to her. He’s willing to cut her if it’s necessary.

Mitch and Chrissy welcome their new friends to their new upgraded home. Sai is excited to experience the luxury of having a selection of food at her disposal. And fire, she gets to experience fire again. But Chrissy has mixed emotions about the swap. She has zero connection with Mitch despite having spent seven days together. She wants to pick off the others, but that means having an actual conversation with Mitch. Unlike Chrissy, Sai is not necessarily onboard to work with Cedrek after his Tribal antics. She receives her wish of luxury, but has to suffer through it with Cedrek. Bianca is overly excited. So much so that one might be able to tell she’s overcompensating for something: any semblance of power. Her only move is to discover the cracks, which she gets immediately from Sai about Cedrek. She seems willing to play along if it keeps her butt on the rocks.

We see a new duo start to form with the likes of Cedrek and Mitch. Cedrek will connect with Mitch about how he has stuttered since he was four and also has some triggers that may bring it out. Their conversation and connection dives deep into the physical sounds that Mitch struggles with. Their human-level connection goes beyond the game. Like the conversation with Jeff previously, Mitch is helping to bring visibility to people who may be different. He shares that he never saw someone who spoke like him portrayed in a positive way. The bravery that Mitch displays is incredible. A true hero of Survivor 48.

Now, to the game. Cedrek thinks adding Mitch to the mix will help him and Sai, as he still believes they have loyalty. Cut to Sai sharing the exact opposite with Bianca. She spills the boiling-hot tea about the historic Tribal Council. Sai wants to work with strong, competitive women like Bianca. Based solely on who’s walking with who, this new strong women power dynamic may not have the numbers to outmatch Cedrek, Mitch, and Chrissy, who see Bianca as the easy out. It all depends on what her fate is from the Journey. With that fear, Chrissy thinks that even if Bianca had an extra vote, they would still have the numbers to eliminate her.


‘Survivor’ Sets New Wednesday Night Ratings Record for Season 48

‘Survivor’ 48 Episode 3 draws the highest rating of the season.

Knowledge Is Power on ‘Survivor’

Mitch tosses a sandbag during an Immunity Challenge on 'Survivor 48.'
Image via CBS

When the music drastically changes as the new Vula tribe walks the beach as if they’re starring in The Avengers, you can tell that Jeff is salivating over the masculinity bursting from this group. But can this new team-up salvage the disgrace that is the Vula camp? The irony is zero original Vula members are here. To make matters worse, they did not leave their map, so the new quintet is literally blind as to where anything is. Is this the worst camp in the history of Survivor? It’s very likely. Despite the letdown of the camp, Thomas claims he would rather take this team on this beach. Famous last words.

Thomas is in the majority with two Civa stragglers, as well as the Steal A Vote Advantage. While Kyle and Kamilla are on the outs in numbers, Kyle has an idol of his own, and Kamilla has an extra vote. This could be juicy! They just need to get on the same page. By being unable to walk off and talk, Kamilla drops her own Jedi mind tricks and tells the group that she has been at the bottom. Contrary to that, she and Kyle do have a strong yet subtle secret alliance. Their bond goes beyond the game because both competitors are Guyanese. By making up this lie, it’s a secret language the duo has dropped into the chat to throw the California Girls off the scent. It’s quite a brilliant strategy as long as they buy what they’re selling. But wait, there’s more.

Kamilla has some dirt on Thomas thanks to her time on the journey. Just a few immunity challenges ago, Kamilla and Star chit-chatted on the sit-out bench, where Star dropped her own seeds of dissent, sharing that Thomas walked away from his Journey. Only Mitch told his tribe there was no opportunity to walk away. Thomas got got! With his allies feeling distrust, Thomas has to own up to his lies. Shauhin will approach Thomas about the Kamilla bomb, and he continues to lie. He now wants to target Kamilla as he doesn’t trust her. Sounds like we might have some advantages going down at Tribal!

The new tribes arrive for their first Immunity Challenge as a team. Can the green team dream up a win? For this Immunity Challenge, they will race to remove sandbags to release a heavy cube, which they will roll to a structure to retrieve small sandbags. They will toss those sandbags through a frame and onto a barrel. Should they knock the frame, they have to fix it and start again. At the end, they must solve a temple puzzle. The first two tribes to finish win Immunity and varying-sized fruit trays. Vula takes an early lead, thanks to the strong men. They even take a solid lead at the sandbag toss. It’s the puzzle, an equalizer for all.

Thomas, Kyle, and Joe are on the puzzle as the physical movers of the pieces, with Kamilla instructing them from a distance. The trouble is the communication. Kamilla needs to be in the trenches. Sharing the information causes just the slightest delay, causing seconds to be their downfall. Lagi comes from far behind, earning first. Civa sneaks up and earns second. Vula falls behind, and loses again. The green team is cursed, y’all. Sai, Mary, and Cedrek finally have a night off from their date with Jeff.

‘Survivor’ Becomes a Battle of Knowledge Versus Numbers

Tribal Council is about to be juicy again as that array of potential idols and advantages may come to fruition. “A tale as old as Vula,” as Thomas says. It’s safe to say that in the New Era of Survivor, if you’re sporting a purple or green buff, chances are they will be the cursed tribe of the season. Here we are again, discussing the green team. They all acknowledge that Kamilla should have been physically out in the field with the pieces. Note for future castaways: versatility is key! Shauhin feels good with the 3-2 dynamic, bingo bango. One of them goes home. Kamilla is hoping her acting skills will lift her and Kyle through Tribal. They are both willing to use the other’s name to gain leverage. As Joe puts it, the newer generation is more than fine having a discussion before stabbing you in the back so you can then grab a beer together. It is awkward, but welcome to the New Era of Survivor.

Joe, Thomas, and Shauhin have to decide which direction to go in. As Thomas previously lamented, he wants Kamilla out. His allies are more for Kyle. There are those tricky numbers again! To ensure that Thomas gets Kamilla out, he has to weigh whether to bring his Steal A Vote to save his own butt. The issue is, should he use it? It would prove to Joe and Shauhin that he had been lying the entire time. Could they work with a liar moving forward? There’s an immense risk, and all this could have been prevented if Thomas had never lied. That Tribe Swap did him dirty!

Kamilla and Kyle must come up with a plan that will keep them both there another day. Knowing that they’re both being told it’s the other one, Kamilla shares that she will give Kyle her Extra Vote and play the Idol on himself. They are hoping that their bag of tricks will help them, as long as it’s a clean vote. Well, nothing is clean when you have villains emerging. Thomas is that diabolical villain you just love to watch get messy. With Kamilla at camp, he convinces Shauhin to search Kyle’s bag for an advantage. Kamilla is spiraling as she doesn’t know if the Idol is in his bag or not. There are no rules about searching bags, but hey, morality, right? They find nothing, so Kamilla scrambles to hand off her Extra Vote to Kyle, who spirals that his bag was searched. Kyle shares that it was in his shoe, and now he feels the votes will land on him.

This quintet experiences the tradition of the Tribal Council as they dip their torch in the fire. Jeff guides the conversation about the numbers. Shauhin shares that his trio is pretty tight, and thus, it’s a matter of which way the votes will fall. Meanwhile, Kamilla shares her ability to offer knowledge to keep her safe. Kyle admits that while he had to pitch Kamilla as the better offer, he doesn’t hold it against her that she did the same. The ruse is still in play. Kyle speaks as if he’s going home, sharing that his experience on Survivor is all about vulnerability, and he shares that his outlook on life has changed. Kamilla also speaks as if she’s going home, revealing that she’s her own worst critic. The emotions are real and raw. Thomas knows that he is one of the people who will be crushing someone’s dream, and says it’s hard, but they all got something out of this game. He knows that he’s been given a gift, just as much as the two he thinks might be leaving. Is it possible this was his farewell speech? The votes are in, and things are about to get exciting. Kyle plays his idol for himself. Three votes for Kyle are negated; the rest of the votes fall on Thomas, making him the fourth person to be voted out. Kamilla and Kyle’s plan went off without a hitch. Brilliantly played. Thomas knows he got played and asks for hugs on his way out. Numbers are important, but knowledge is power.

Survivor airs Wednesdays at 8:00 PM on CBS. All episodes are available to stream on Paramount+.



The Tribe Swap proves nothing is ever certain on ‘Survivor.’

Release Date

May 31, 2000



  • Cast Placeholder Image

Pros & Cons

  • Two stories of representation help visibility on ‘Survivor.’
  • Another exciting Tribal Council led to a shocking blindside.

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