The ,600 Am Hatsu mechanical keyboard is wild
10 min read

The $1,600 Am Hatsu mechanical keyboard is wild

February 6, 2025

The market for mechanical keyboards has boomed in recent years and the pandemic only added fuel to it as people looked to improve their home setups (and spend their stimulus checks). Today, you can find anything from a $20 AliExpress special to a $600 Keycult board — before keycaps and

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Hands-on with the BlackBerry-style Clicks keyboard for iPhone
9 min read

Hands-on with the BlackBerry-style Clicks keyboard for iPhone

January 30, 2025

I regret to inform you that i can’t tyoe on thjdi thing yet. The Clicks keyboard case has arrived, and it’s delightful, if not entirely practical for everyday use — at least, not without weeks of practice.  The new device, which adds a keyboard with physical buttons to the bottom of your iPhone,

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