best wordpress backup pluginbest wordpress backup plugin

As a blog owner, backups are key to your blog’s success. If you have ever experienced the pain of losing all of your content, then you know that it is not worth taking the risk.

Do you know what the best WordPress backup plugin is? If not, then this blog post will tell you. There are many options available for WordPress users, but some of them are definitely better than others.

We’ve compiled a list of the best and most popular plugins that we think deserve your attention if you’re looking to improve your website’s security and minimize downtime in case something goes wrong.

What is the best WordPress backup plugin for me to use?

There are a lot of different WordPress backup plugins available for people to use. The best one will depend on what you’re looking for in it, and the level that is appropriate given your needs.

The world of WordPress backups can get confusing quickly, but luckily there’s only going to be three choices when deciding which plugin works best Automatic Backup Pro (great if you want something really simple), VaultPress (perfect if security is an issue), or BackWPup by CodeGuardian Technologies Inc., Ltd.

What are some of the benefits of using a WordPress backup plugin?

Some benefits of using a WordPress backup plugin is that you don’t have to worry about manual backups, and if there’s a restore, it can take one click.

Backups are important for any site because if something happens to the hosting company or their data center goes down, all your posts and pages will go with it.

WordPress backup plugins make it easy and convenient to do backups without having them clogging up your hard drive.

Additionally, thanks to some clever features these days such as incremental updates (so file versions stay relatively small) and archives of public posts which are not so big in size or number as live posts, most users rarely have reason to restore anything other than perhaps their latest post which may get lost under.


Are you tired of worrying about your WordPress website’s performance and stability? BackupBuddy is here to give you the peace of mind that you deserve. Backing up has never been easier than with this plugin, which creates daily backups on its own as well as allowing you to automate a backup schedule for any day or week.

It stores your backups in 6 different places (Dropbox, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, FTP server, Stash cloud service) so that you can keep copies locally and online–anywhere there is an internet connection. And because it’s not subscription-based backups are affordable too!


  • Free, automatic backups.
  • Backup 6 different ways (Dropbox, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, FTP server, Stash cloud service).
  • Affordable and not subscription-based.
  • Reduce worry by protecting your business with this plugin.
VaultPress (Jetpack Backup)VaultPress (Jetpack Backup)

Jetpack Backups automate WordPress backups so you don’t have to worry about losing your blog from hackers, malware, or random bugs. Jetpack backups makes it easy and hassle-free to restore individual posts, pages, images, and other content.

Cloud backup is also free for the first 3 GB of storage per month which will suit most blogger’s needs. Get your stress-free security for as low as $10/mo with our annual plan!


  • Backups are done automatically and on your schedule. 
  • Your backups will be stored in 6 different places. 
  • You’ll sleep better at night knowing that your website is safe and secure.
BoldGrid BackupBoldGrid Backup

BoldGrid Backup is perfect for bloggers, website owners, and developers. Why do we put a $500 million dollar guarantee on your site? We know that you care about your WordPress or Drupal powered site just as much as we care about ours.

When BoldGrid Backup works with BoldGrid Websites to create your website they make sure that the backup is in place so it never fails and you never have to worry again.

And lastly, don’t forget – if you need anything hosted beyond what our WordPress Site Builder offers (ie: databases) then awesome! Consider subscribing to Big Grid because they’ll take care of any web hosting needs you should ever have!


  • Protect your site from hackers and other threats.
  • Get your website back up in minutes, not days. 
  • Have peace of mind knowing that you’re protected. 
  • Know that if anything ever happens to your site, it will be fixed quickly with the backup service.

BlogVault is the simplest, easiest WordPress backup solution available today. If you are using the a popular open-source content management system called WordPress for your website (which powers 25% of all websites) then BlogVault is an integral part of safety.

Tired of tedious and time-consuming manual backups? BlogVault provides automatic daily site backups that sync incremental changes to ensure optimal performance. Quickly create on-demand site backups at any time with just a few button clicks too!

For extra peace of mind, our proactive monitoring software checks every minute to look for new files in use so that your content isn’t lost when it’s needed most.

BlogVault also acts as insurance against hacking or malware by instantly restoring your site


  • Simple and easy WordPress backup.
  • Proactive monitoring software for peace of mind. 
  • Daily site backups every day with incremental file sync to optimize performance.
  • Quickly create on-demand site backups at any time with just a few button clicks too!

Duplicator is a popular WordPress plugin that will migrate your site across servers for quick and easy management. Backup options are available, but automated scheduled backups via Duplicator lack the customization of other backup plugins.


  • Get a copy of your site to an offsite server in minutes
  • Quickly restore your website to an earlier backup when disaster strikes
  • Seamless and easy way for you to manage hosting without the hassle or downtime
  • Updated plugin with more features!

Are you looking for a way to keep your WordPress site backed up? Then look no further! BackWPup is an easy-to-use, free plugin to ensure that your website has a complete backup saved on the cloud (Dropbox, Amazon S3, Rackspace) or on your computer.

Restoring a WordPress site from backup is also very simple when using the revolutionary and time-saving plugin – available in free or pro versions with optional paid services like priority support and storing backups in Google Drive.

It’s possible that this will be one of the best decisions you ever make for managing your WordPress site as it helps protect against threats such as hacking, malware infection, file corruption due to power failure, etc. And all without.


  • Keep your site backed up and running smoothly
  • Protect yourself from disaster with constant automated backups
  • Be able to restore your website easily in the event of a hack or if you accidentally delete something.
Backup and Staging by WP Time CapsuleBackup and Staging by WP Time Capsule

WP Time Capsule is a professional cloud backup plugin for your WordPress site. It’s the perfect solution if you want to back up only your recent files, rather than all of them. With WP Time Capsule, you can back up your website to Google Drive and Dropbox with just one simple installation.

Avoid wasting server resources by storing essential content like posts and media separately from large archive folders on remote servers.

To set up WP Time Capsule simply register for an account on the main dashboard, install it as a plugin on your WordPress site, and then connect it to any of these popular cloud storage sites in seconds!


  • Get peace of mind from knowing that you can undo changes to your site.
  • Save time and server space by only backing up recent content.
  • Back up all media files without having to back up large archive folders.
  • Backup to Google Drive or Dropbox.
Backup MigrationBackup Migration

Backup Migration is a simple backup plugin that operates automatic or manual back-ups to save your valuable data. The plugin is so easy to install and use, you will spend more time not thinking about backups than you would actually using it!

Backup Migration lets you schedule automatic or manual backups globally on a day-to-day or monthly basis. It also has a lot of settings if security matters are important for you.


  • Free of charge and easy to use!
  • Automated or Manual Backups on a daily basis.
  • 100% secure and safe. Privacy protection with no data leaks! 
  • Constantly updated backup plugin that’s always compatible.
WP Database BackupWP Database Backup

WP Database Backup is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create and restore backups in just one click. This plugin offers slightly more features than WP-DB-Backup, but it’s also very similar.

For your complete security, make sure this backup plugin.


  • Instant WordPress database backup.
  • Automatic, instant recovery of lost data from your backups.
  • Customize the plugin’s settings to suit your needs.
  • Free up disk space by removing old backups automatically.


If you’re looking for a wordpress backup plugin that will protect your site from hacking and data loss, we recommend the VaultPress Backup Plugin. The VaultPress system is designed to work with any WordPress installation and can be installed in just minutes.

It also offers features like daily backups of all files on your site as well as incremental backups so that if anything changes or goes wrong, that change won’t impact older versions of your files.

Plus it has built-in security measures such as two-step authentication which ensures only those who have access to their account information can log into the vault console where they’ll find an overview of their sites’ activity over time, including file size and location statistics for each individual backup set.

There are many options for backing up your website. The best wordpress backup plugin is one that is easy to use and affordable, so it’s worth exploring multiple solutions before making a decision.

We recommend you read the reviews of each solution on our blog post, and see which plugins may work well for your site. If you have any other questions about backups ask us!

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