Though this month will feature a good amount of whiplash, you will personally feel more empowered to deal with the turbulence after the equinox on March 20, when your ruling planet, the Sun, enters its exalted position in Aries. This brief (but potent) glow up endows you with more agency and sovereignty to make important choices about your life and feel less at the mercy of forces beyond your control. You will also feel more clear about where you stand and what you believe, and less prone to absorbing the opinions of others. You never lost your personal power—you’re just re-remembering it now.
Virgo Rising
Life has its seasons, and right now, you’re like a tree that’s sensing the imminence of autumn. On March 14, we get the first Virgo eclipse in a new series of eclipses that will play out along the Virgo-Pisces axis over the next two years. This is your signal to begin the shedding process, to allow nature to take its course and recycle the foliage that can’t come with you into winter. On the other end of this process, you will feel more stripped bare, less encumbered. But as of right now, you might be too attached to your familiar ways to understand that they’re holding you back.
Navigating the field of loss and surrender is one of your main assignments this month. Your ruling planet, Mercury, joins hands with Venus as they simultaneously retrograde through Aries, your eighth house of shared finances, grief, and fear. This isn’t just about making sense of recent losses, but about renegotiating some of the ways you’re enmeshed with others, whether through tangible property and assets or unspoken agreements. Yes, there could be very literal logistical things involved here, like paperwork and transactions. But there will also be something very familiar about this process—almost as though your heart is remembering previous times of bereavement, abandonment, and vulnerability in the face of the unknown. There is a reason for these things to be coming up for you right now, and not necessarily because you’re about to have the same exact experience again.
If anything, you might be overcoming old hurts and hesitations to enter into relationship or collaboration with others, and this is ultimately about arriving to a place where you feel ready to commit anew. If, along the way, you have to drop your need to know all the details in advance, to micromanage outcomes, and to nitpick the way other people show up for you, then consider it part of the heart healing that’s happening now.
Though it’s not strongly indicated you’ll be traveling this month, you might find it cathartic to return to places that have been too tinged with memories of heartbreak to revisit (until now), or visit the grave of a loved one to reconnect with their spirit and clear the debris from their headstone. There is a cyclical rhyme and reason that you’re now ready to make peace with the past. Who are you to argue with your own timing?
Libra Rising
The terrain of your love life is shifting, and you’re standing at the threshold of the new map, waiting to glimpse its layout. On March 1, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, your seventh house of partnerships. Venus will journey side by side with Mercury, and by the end of the month, a solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 and the first ingress of Neptune into Aries on March 30 adds to the possibility that things are heading in noticeably new directions. For solo travelers, you may recognize in hindsight that you went through an important inner journey in March that helped you feel ready for the next level of “being in relationship,” whatever that may mean to you. For coupled honeymooners, this month’s Venus Retrograde resurfaces old memories and perhaps old grievances, helping you summon the clarity to either renew your commitment to each other or create space for something better.
No matter your current relationship status, it seems like your desires and expectations are changing, and you don’t have to keep settling for the same old daily special. You can even think back to previous Venus Retrogrades in Aries (spring of 2017, 2009, 2001, and so on, going back in eight-year increments) to recall the milestones you reached then. When Venus is in Aries, we’re less likely to tone ourselves down to become more palatable to others. In deprioritizing harmony at all costs, how does your disagreeableness and irreverence help bring you closer to authentic connection with others? The first eclipse in Virgo on March 14 underscores the importance of not letting things fester in your head, of facing the ghosts of betrayal, and of freeing yourself from patterns of overthinking.